; jxx equivalents to bxx .macpack longbranch ; blt, bge equivalents to bcc, bcs .define blt bcc .define bge bcs .define jge jcs .define jlt jcc ; Puts data in another segment .macro seg_data seg,data .pushseg .segment seg data .popseg .endmacro ; Reserves size bytes in zeropage/bss for name. ; If size is omitted, reserves one byte. .macro zp_res name,size .ifblank size zp_res name,1 .else seg_data "ZEROPAGE",{name: .res size} .endif .endmacro .macro bss_res name,size .ifblank size bss_res name,1 .else seg_data "BSS",{name: .res size} .endif .endmacro .macro nv_res name,size .ifblank size nv_res name,1 .else seg_data "NVRAM",{name: .res size} .endif .endmacro ; Reserves one byte in zeropage for name (very common) .macro zp_byte name seg_data "ZEROPAGE",{name: .res 1} .endmacro ; Passes constant data to routine in addr ; Preserved: A, X, Y .macro jsr_with_addr routine,data .local Addr pha lda #Addr sta addr+1 pla jsr routine seg_data "RODATA",{Addr: data} .endmacro ; Calls routine multiple times, with A having the ; value 'start' the first time, 'start+step' the ; second time, up to 'end' for the last time. .macro for_loop routine,start,end,step lda #start : pha jsr routine pla clc adc #step cmp #<((end)+(step)) bne :- .endmacro ; Calls routine n times. The value of A in the routine ; counts from 0 to n-1. .macro loop_n_times routine,n for_loop routine,0,n-1,+1 .endmacro ; Same as for_loop, except uses 16-bit value in YX. ; -256 <= step <= 255 .macro for_loop16 routine,start,end,step .if (step) < -256 || (step) > 255 .error "Step must be within -256 to 255" .endif ldy #>(start) lda #<(start) : tax pha tya pha jsr routine pla tay pla clc adc #step .if (step) > 0 bcc :+ iny .else bcs :+ dey .endif : cmp #<((end)+(step)) bne :-- cpy #>((end)+(step)) bne :-- .endmacro ; Copies byte from in to out ; Preserved: X, Y .macro mov out, in lda in sta out .endmacro ; Stores byte at addr ; Preserved: X, Y .macro setb addr, byte lda #byte sta addr .endmacro ; Stores word at addr ; Preserved: X, Y .macro setw addr, word lda #<(word) sta addr lda #>(word) sta addr+1 .endmacro ; Loads XY with 16-bit immediate or value at address .macro ldxy Arg .if .match( .left( 1, {Arg} ), # ) ldy #<(.right( .tcount( {Arg} )-1, {Arg} )) ldx #>(.right( .tcount( {Arg} )-1, {Arg} )) .else ldy (Arg) ldx (Arg)+1 .endif .endmacro ; Increments word at Addr and sets Z flag appropriately ; Preserved: A, X, Y .macro incw Addr .local @incw_skip ; doesn't work, so HOW THE HELL DO YOU MAKE A LOCAL LABEL IN A MACRO THAT DOESN"T DISTURB INVOKING CODE< HUH?????? POS inc Addr bne @incw_skip inc Addr+1 @incw_skip: .endmacro ; Increments XY as 16-bit register, in CONSTANT time. ; Z flag set based on entire result. ; Preserved: A ; Time: 7 clocks .macro incxy7 iny ; 2 beq *+4 ; 3 ; -1 bne *+3 ; 3 ; -1 inx ; 2 .endmacro